Are you ready for a winning hand in life?
Do you feel like you have been dealt the same old hand in one area of life... or maybe in life in general?
Are you ready for a new hand? How about a winning hand? Isn't it time?!
How would you like to learn a extremely powerful process that has been -- and is now -- being used very successfully with Olympic and professional athletes, top CEO's, and Hollywood actors?
Would you like to learn a process you can use to overcome and improve anything in your life -- from fear of public speaking to sports or relationships?

How would you like to feel confidence instead of tension in any performace situation whether with a client, your boss, or on the playing field?
How would you like to reclaim your power in life with a new winning hand?
That's what this program is all about!
What if you could begin to shift things inside of you that have been blocked and then open yourself up to experiencing what amounts to being dealt a Winning Hand in Life?
Every one of us has a certain strategy of seeing and experiencing life. Some of our strategies are successful while others are not. Either way, most strategies are unconscious, operating out of our awareness. Yet these unconscious processes affect us so powerfully.
If they are unconscious and out of our awareness, how do we begin to change them?
That is what Reshuffle Your Life is all about.
We started by giving you Mind Power for Free. If you haven't seen this yet please go there now. Reshuffle Your Life is built on it and it is FREE.
It is our investment in you. First of all, we want to show you that this process works. Second of all, we want you to have experience as proof that we are offering much more than a great sales letter. Most of all, when you experience Mind power for Life, you know that we are really committed to help change the world into a much friendlier place.
Experience Mind Power for Life and you'll see some of the amazing ways it can work in you life. You'll find yourself relaxing, feeling more peaceful, getting into the flow, being more aware of your surroundings, etc.
Now imagine if there are other techniques that you can add to Mind Power for Life that are even more powerful in directing your life in the direction of your dreams.
Mind Power for Life is like getting a reshuffle of the deck and a new hand. What could you do with a new hand? Imagine a professional teaching you some of the tricks of the game to get the most out of your new hand.

Think about it. We aren't asking you to take the hand you have and do the best you have with it. We are showing you how to get a winning hand and then how to play it like a pro.
We (John & Mark) have been modeling success and successful people for over 50 years combined. We know what successful people do as opposed to those that only wished they were successful. We have both been doing personal work with thousands of people both in seminars and one-on-one.
Out of all those years, we have been able to distill down and make easy some of the biggest things people can do to set them on the fast-track to personal success and living a life that works for you.
Here is the next step after Mind Power for Life: it is called Neuro-Drivers, and it is easier than the name sounds.
Neuro-Drivers are ways to drive your nervous system in certain directions, mainly successful directions, for you.
Like we said earlier, we all have certain unconscious strategies that drive our nervous system. Whether they works for us or against us, they are working in all of us -- all of the time.
Now what if you were able to add some new processes to Mind Power For Life and then use it to drive your nervous system instead of fear, resentment, anger, worry, etc. Imagine using powerful states within you instead of emotions that disempower you. And, even better, what if you could add Mind Power for Life and Neuro-Drivers to your already positive emotions? What could you achieve if you made that which is already great in your life even better!
Here is a little bit of how the Neuro-Drivers Process works:
First you get into the mind power for life state. Then we find an area of your life you would like to improve. Then we get a specific situation within that area (e.g., getting along better with your partner, boss, children). Maybe play tennis better, ski better, golf better, etc. Maybe be a better friend or even a better Lover I am sure you can begin to consider all the different ways you can use Neuro Drivers for all areas of your life.
Then, from that place, we take you through a special process developed By John Overdurf. It takes you through special points of view, certain perceptions in your mind of your situation that work like magic to begin to shift you. When you shift, you open up an amazing amount of new information and empowering emotions that will install in you your patterns of success.
Those patterns that will then begin to drive you nervous system in new ways.
It is funny how it works. You will see it work powerfully in the video, especially the part where John takes me (Mark Ryan) through the process.
I have been doing NLP & Hypnosis and other change work for over 20 years, and I wasn't ready for what happened in these videos as John took me through the process.
I had an incredible experience right on film, that you will see in its entirety.
I had a fear of exercising because of a old deep fear. I was riding my new mountain bike one day and was attacked by a pit bull. I escaped unharmed, but had a fear and the mountain bike sat for 13 years unused before i sold it. Worse than that, my brain generalized the fear to walking and running as well. No matter what I wanted to do that involved leaving my house at any distance, my fear of getting attacked by a rabid dog stopped me from doing it. And I found other non-healthy ways to overcome my fear like eating. So I was in a bind.
John used Neuro-Drivers to get me out of it. It was and is an amazing transformation. Another interesting point was that I had not even remembered this incident until I sat down with John. But my unconscious mind knew John and trusted him and knew this process could heal this fear of dogs for me. When I sat there in the chair, I had no idea what I was going to work on, but my unconscious mind did. And as soon as John asked me if there was something I wanted to work on -- there it was.

Now here is why I tell you this: you can go back through this Neuro-Driver process over and over again for as many different things as you can imagine. After the first few successes, you will trust the process more and it will make it happen quicker and easier. You might experience the same thing that I did when all of a sudden things you had forgotten about ever being an issue pop up for a chance to be taken through the Neuro-Drivers process to be clean and expanded within you.
Another great effect we want to tell you about it how Mind Power & Neuro Drivers will generalize in your mind.
Let's say you clear a big fear after going through Neuro-Drivers and your unconscious mind has given you a new an powerful way to deal with this certain fear. Well here is something very cool, your unconscious mind is made to generalize and does and excellent job at it. What you will find happens is that whole areas of fear clear up; entire files of fear will clear.
Just like when I generalized fear about all outdoor exercise because of one incident on my bike, when i cleared that, it cleared all kinds of files of fear. Once the fear was cleared for biking around dogs, it was clear for walking as well as running. It is like your unconscious mind says, "If it works here then it might work here, and here and here and here, etc."
Let's get you started right now.
Here is what you will get:
- 4 high quality videos for immediate download
- 2 videos will explain the process in detail. What Neuro-Drivers is and how to use it
- 2 videos of John taking Mark through the process and then a follow up conversation
- We both explain exactly what is happening as we go through the process so you will get a full understanding of what to expect and how to do it
- A 33 minute high quality audio of John taking you through the process so you can go through the Neuro-Drivers process in the comfort of your own space where you prefer to change. This is no ordinary mp3. John is an expert with music and binural beats as well as right/left brain learning process. You are in for a treat!
People have spent thousands attending seminars to get what you will get in 2 hours. We are not going to charge you anywhere near that.
Our initial price was only going to be $49.95.
And after some back ad forth we decided to offer an initial price of $39.95. We say initial because we will increase the point to the $49.95 at some point.
And this is one heck of a bargin. Both of us ( John & Mark ) sell similar products at around the $80 range.
So come on this journey with us! Get the Neuro Drivers and change your life! At the same time it gives us the encouragement to release the next level of products that are waiting.
Thanks For joining us on this journey and being part of changing the world for the positive!
John Overdurf
Mark J. Ryan
Copyright © 2025. All rights reserved worldwide.